Friday, 11 January 2008

Year 4 Work for Grades

For the test, you should know (and there are links on the blog for a lot of these things)

Profit and Loss Account
Cashflow Forecasts and statements
Balance Sheets
Ratio analysis
Sources of finance

Ownership of company

I should have work from you on (most of these are on the blog):

Sources of finance activity
Comparing 2 companies accounts with ratio analysis
Nottingham Forest
Manchester Airport / Cameron's balloons
Police Force objectives

I will also be taking into account in your grades other homeworks which will not be graded explicitly, e.g. completing accounts work, making list of companies, objectives and mission statements, finding out data on sectors of industry, completing accounts which we started in lesson for homework. These things are concerned more with helping you to learn rather than assessing your learning. Also, Vit, how often you fell asleep in lessons.

Mr W